Fermented Vegetable Medley
When you hunger for something tangy, nutritionally potent, and full of beneficial bacteria to help heal an aggravated digestive tract, fermented veggies are a wonderful option. They’re a great side to any meal (vegan or carnivore) and can be added to a hearty stews. This recipe gives you a variety of options, with a focus on veggies that are least likely to irritate those with sensitive digestion.
Equipment Needed for Preparation & Storage
- 1-gallon or 4-liter glass, enameled or clay jar which will be your fermentation jar
- 1 small plate that fits into the fermentation jar
- 1 small glass jar, filled with water
- 1 head of red cabbage, roughly cut
- 1 medium-size beetroot, sliced
- Handful of garlic cloves, peeled
- 2 T of sea salt
- 1 t. dill seeds or dill herb (fresh or dry)
Personal Choice of Additional veggies & herbs: carrots, bell pepper, fennel, parsnip, radish, shredded broccoli, etc.
- Combine all the vegetables and herbs and put them into the fermentation jar. The amount of vegetables should not go beyond the half-way mark on the jar.
- Fill the rest of the jar with filtered water and add salt.
- Float the small plate on top and submerge it with the small jar (filled with water to keep it down). This way the vegetables won’t float to the top and get moldy.
- Leave to ferment for 1-2 weeks at room temperature.
- You will know the medley is ready when the vegetables are soft and tangy.
- To stop the fermentation process, transfer the medley to smaller jars and keep them in the fridge; they keep well for weeks.
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Recipe Source: Hormones & Balance
Excellent fermentation info